Piano Lessons For Kids Age 5 & Older
General Information
Students ages 5 - 17 may take 30, 45, or 60-minute weekly piano lessons. Teenage students past the age of 15 are accepted on a case by case basis.
A discount is offered if the 45 or 60-minute lesson is selected to encourage these options. (For pricing details, please see Policies & Pricing.) The longer times allow for a more comprehensive lesson, which also encourages a faster rate of musical progression.
Each piano lesson will focus on the fundamentals of note reading, music theory, and ear training. Fun music theory games and and music apps are incorporated to reinforce theory concepts and enhance learning. Composition and improvisation are also encouraged to nurture the creative side of the developing musician.
Excellent Teaching Method
After researching and testing many methods, the instructor has chosen to use the Succeeding at the Piano® method books written by Helen Marlais.
Here are some reasons why the Succeeding at the Piano® method books are utilized instead of other method books (Faber Piano Adventures, Alfred, Bastien, etc.):
Instructor Helping Student Learn Wrist Lifts
Succeeding at the Piano® is one of the only method book series that incorporates strong technique and musicality early on in a kid/preteen/teen-friendly manner.
Your child/preteen/teen will learn how to develop excellent technique and good habits from the very beginning in an easy to remember, gradually introduced and reinforced manner.
Motivational and interesting pieces that are fun to play! Many different styles of music are explored and classical composers are taught in a way which engages the ears and hearts of kids/preteens/teens.
The structure of this series lines up with the studio's teaching goals of encouraging students to analyze their pieces, develop strong ear training skills, enjoy practicing/playing their songs, as well as improvising and composing.
Please click on this article from the Clavier Companion piano magazine for a more detailed analysis of the Succeeding at the Piano® method books from highly respected professionals in the piano pedagogy (teaching) field.
Engaging Piano Lesson Activities
In addition to teaching the fundamentals and method books, the lesson is broken up with some short "off bench" activities as time permits.
Research has shown that for young students to stay fully engaged during lessons, it is important to integrate a variety of different learning activities.
At Joyful Piano Studio, this is accomplished by incorporating musical games, rhythm instruments, iPad music apps, and other fun teaching aids into the lesson time.

Student Individuality
Each student is different and unique, and the instructor strives to individualize every student's course of study. Once familiar with a new or transfer student, piano lessons are individualized to best match the student's learning style(s) and developmental level.
Home Practice & Incentive Program
Quality instead of quantity is the goal at Joyful Piano Studio. The incentive program is designed to help motivate students to practice their piano assignments productively rather than mindlessly playing through their pieces. This program also makes it less likely the student will "forget" to complete their theory assignments.
Four to five days of practice per week is recommended, and the instructor will assist the student in coming up with the best strategies to accomplish their musical goals.
How the Incentive Program Works:
The student will receive 1 stamp for each page (lesson, theory, technique, performance) they "pass." Once they reach 30 stamps, the student gets to pick a "prize" from the prize box.
This incentive program works well because it encourages the students to practice with their minds fully engaged, consciously working towards the goal of “passing” their pieces.